Report on the workshop on developing Academic Workshop for Faculty, organized by the Faculty Development Centre
HomeReport on the workshop on developing Academic Workshop for Faculty, organized by the Faculty Development Centre
Report on the workshop on developing Academic Workshop for Faculty, organized by the Faculty Development Centre, Al Shifa College of Arts and Science, held on 11 Aug ’21 at 2 pm and the Seminar Hall
The Faculty Development Centre at Al Shifa, organized a workshop on developing, ‘Academic Workshop for Faculty’, on 11 August ’21 in the college Seminar Hall at 2 pm. Mr. Rohit. R, Head, Dept. of Commerce, introduced Google Sites as a user-friendly platform for creating a website. He touched each and every minute tools on the Site and explained the content to be added under each option. Ms. Sabina, Assistant Professor of English, covered the subjects like collapsible text and button, on the page. The faculty members of Al Shifa College of Arts and Science, actively participated and created a rough page by making use of the lessons by the end of the workshop. Ms. Febeena. K, Assistant Professor of Malayalam, gave the formal welcome note and Mr. Irshad. K, Asst. Prof. of Arabic delivered the vote of thanks. The programme was closed at 3 pm.