Department of Commerce and Department of Economics, Al Shifa College of Arts and Science, Keezhatoor, Perinthalmanna in Association with Hedge School of Economics, Ernakulam, organized an online talk on Career Enhancement on Financial Services on 30th December 2020( Wednesday) by Mr Noufal Latheef, Research Analyst cum Faculty, Hedge School of Applied Economics, Ernakulam. He shared career possibilities in the field of financial services specifically in the field of Wealth Management and prompted the importance of Wealth Management by vindicating that a person’s 60 percent of the wealth is held in the form of physical assets that comes under risk which requires to be covered and protected.
Mr Rohit.R, Head, Department of Commerce co-ordinated the session and followed by welcome address by Muhammed Noufal M, Head, Department of Economics. Principal Dr. P.K Babu addressed the audience by substantiating that the transformations of career prospects are visible in a wide range which urges changes in the field of financial services. Ms. Ashida, Assistant professor, Department of Commerce, moderated the Q & A session. Mohammed Yaseen of first year BA Economics proposed vote of thanks.The meeting was held on Gmeet between 2 to 3 p.m.