In connection with the J. K. Rowling’s birthday on 31 July 21, the Department of English and English Club, Al Shifa College of Arts and Science, jointly organized ‘Potter Play’, a contest on Enactment of Harry Potter characters. The contest invited entries from 4th, 5th, 6th and 7th graders of schools in Kerala. Out of 53 registered participants from 20 different schools, 25 entries were received within the due date, 5 Aug 21. It was held as an individual event. Any part from the Harry Potter series had to be enacted and the video recording not exceeding 2 minutes had to be sent to the department mail ID. The presenter was instructed to introduce the character and the context of the dialogue/monologue. Judgement was based on the instructions shared with the participants along with the flyer. The was judged based on the style of rendering, language, tone and accent and the similarity with the character. They were free to bring in visual effects to make the presentations lively and costumes were not considered be a prominent parameter.
The winners were recognized by issuing printed Certificates.