The first College Magazine ‘Cheppedu’, was released on 07 January 2022 by Mr. Akhil. K, a young Malayalam writer, the author of Neelachadayan and Simhathinte Kadha. The release was held in the college seminar hall at 10.30 am. The programme commenced with a welcome address by Ms. Sabina, the magazine staff editor, which was followed by the principal’s address. In the principal’s address, Dr. P. K. Babu, talked about the challenges the magazine committee faced in bringing out the magazine due to the lock down. He also said that despite being the first magazine and the college having less number of students since this is the founding year of the college, the committee was able to bring out a reasonably decent work. He also congratulated and thanked the magazine committee and the entire college for the efforts taken in bringing out the magazine.
The mementos for the Chief guest, Akhil, staff editor, Sabina, student editor, Mohamed Shalikh and the designer Mubashir were given away by Mr. Pilakkal Hamza, Chief Executive, Shifa Medicare Trust. The programme ended up at 11.30 am with a vote of thanks by the student editor, Mohamed Shalikh.