Call for submissions for ACAS All Kerala UG Project Prize ’23 in Commerce, Economics & Psychology released
DETAILSReport of the Online Invited Talk held in relation with Student Induction Programme
DETAILSReport on Student Induction Programme (SIP) held on 2nd, 3rd and 4th November 2020 for the UG Batch 2020-’23 at Al Shifa College of Arts and Science.
DETAILSInauguration of Center for Development of English Language Skills(CDELS) and a talk on English in Global Context: Challenges and Opportunities for Youth of India”
DETAILSReport on Certificate Distribution of Add-On Course conducted by Department of English, Commerce and Economics, for First Semester Undergraduate students of batch 2020-2023.
DETAILSReport on Observance of World Book Day organized by Dept. of English and English Club on 23 April 2021
DETAILSReport on Interaction session by Mrs. Saritha Ravidranath, Mrs. Kerala ( ESPANIO)2020, held on 10th March 2021.
DETAILSReport on Observance of International Women’s Day 2021 held at 8th March 2021, Monday
DETAILSReport on ‘Protect Wild Life, Protect Forest’, a Short Film Show by Department of Commerce held on March 3, 2021
DETAILSReport on Versification Competition held in connection with World Water Day on 24 March 2021, by the Dept. of English
DETAILSReport on observance of World Theatre Day by the Department of English on 15 March 21
DETAILSReport on ‘Understanding Science Fiction’ held by the Department of English in connection with National Science day on March 1st 2021
DETAILSReport of "Breaking News: Safe Surfing', an intercollegiate competition held in connection with Safe Internet Day organized by the Department of English.
DETAILSReport on Observance of National Women’s Day by Women Development Cell, Al Shifa College of Arts and Science on 13/02/21, Saturday
DETAILSDepartment of Commerce Observed ‘World Consumer Right Day’ on March 15, 2021 Monday
DETAILSReport of the Interactive Session with an Entrepreneur in Association with the ED Club Talk Series held on 24th March 2021
DETAILSReport of ‘Talk on Bob Dylan and the Pop Culture of America’ held on 09th March 2021
DETAILSReport of the Inauguration of the COFE (College Fitness Education Programme ) Held on 06 March 2021, Saturday
DETAILSReport of the session on careers in Aviation and Logistics held on 27th February 2021
DETAILSReport of inaugural session of ‘ Thanimalayalam’ Malayalam club and ‘Mathrubhashadinacharanam’ by Department of Malayalam held on 25 February 2021.
DETAILSReport of the Inauguration of the Commerce Association 2020-2021 ‘Emperio’ Held on 24 February 2021, Wednesday
DETAILSReport of a session on “Women’s Health and Hygiene” by Women Development Cell (WDC) held on 12 February 2021(Friday)
DETAILSReport of the orientation programme on Indian civil services examination held on 19th January 2021 Tuesday
DETAILSReport of Inauguration of Women Development Cell (WDC) held on 14 January 2021(Thursday)
DETAILSWebinar on “Social and Emotional Learning in College Classroom” held on 16 September 20