English Club, Al Shifa College of Arts and Science, organized JAM (Just- A- Minute Speech)
Contest on ‘Slavery: After the Abolition’ for students in connection with the observance of
International Day for Remembrance of the Slave Trade and its Abolition on 23 August 2022 at
8.30 am in Lecture Hall 7. The programme started with the welcome address of Fathima Rana,
Student, III Semester B.A. Functional English. Twelve students from the English Club
participated in the competition. Modern Day Slavery, human trafficking, and racism were the
major points highlighted in the competition. Fathima Safa, student, III Semester B.A. Functional
English, Arshida A.K, Student, III Semester B.A. Functional English shared the first prize and
Fathima Rana, student, III Semester B.A. Functional English won the second prize. Mr.
Midhulaj. P, Assistant Professor of English, and Co-ordinator, English Club, coordinated the
whole programme. Nandana Krishna, Student III Semester B. A Functional English proposed the
vote of thanks and the programme ended at 9.15 am.