Department of Commerce, ACAS is organising an inter school management fest named ‘ComFiesta Season 2’ for higher secondary schools across Kerala on 26th November 2022. The fest aims to identify the budding talents and skills of the youngsters in the higher secondary streams, so that they are/their schools are capable of scaffolding them. ComFiesta is a bouquet of events connected to Marketing, Finance on the one side and on the other, it also lists Fun games to bring out the best from the participants under controlled and simulated environments.ComFiesta welcomes the participation from schools across Kerala as the participants get the unique opportunity to foster their sportsman spirit and showcase their skills and win cash prizes worth 20K!
Click the registration link and fill in the details, make payment and upload a screenshot of the payment.
Staff Coordinators:
Mini. V. K
Assistant Professor of Commerce
Mob: 7034515314
Irshad Ameen.K
Assistant Professor of Commerce
Mob: 8921789322
COMFIESTA Season 2, an Inter School Management Fest Organsised by the Department of Commerce on 26 November 2022