Report on “A Few Moments with Famous Writers”, conducted by the Library Committee on 7 January 2022 at College Seminar Hall

The Library Committee of Al Shifa College of Arts and Science conducted a programme titled ‘A Few Moments with Famous Writers’ on 7 January 2022 at college seminar hall at 12 pm.

In the interview, the Library Committee coordinator Ms. Febeena. K. conversed with Mr. Akhil. K., author of ‘Neelachadayan’ and ‘Simhathinte Kadha’. Students of first and second year classes of Al Shifa College of Arts and Science cleared their doubts with the writer. Ms. Adithya. K. of I BCom Finance asked him about the reasons to come to the path of a writer. He replied that the first collection of stories came out as a result of jotting down certain small incidents from his surroundings. Saithali Shibin from II BCom Finance asked Akhil of the latest book he has read and the author said that it was a book written by his friend Vishnumaya. As an answer to a question on female writing, he opined that he is in favour of books bringing out to life of females and the gender imbalance in society. While answering questions, he said that young writers face many challenges while bringing out their works, especially the first book, as from his own personal experience. In the half an hour long interactive session, Mr. Akhil shared his life, family and the ways he has travelled, with the students.

Ms. Febeena thanked the young writer and the students who have participated in the programme and the event came to an end at 12.30 pm.

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