The Department of Commerce, Al Shifa College of Arts and Science inaugurated Consumer Club, on 30th Nov ’21.
The inauguration was done by Adv. Surendran.P.A, CAG member TRAI, General secretary Consumers Association, Palakkad. The programme was held at the College seminar Hall at 11.30 pm on 30 November 2021. Thereafter a session was conducted by Adv. Surendran along with Adv. C. G . Haridas, Ex Dist Govt Pleader, Public Procecutor, Palakkad and Vice president of Consumers Association,on ‘Consumer Protection and Contributions of NGOs in India’. The programme was meant to create awareness about the Consumer rights among the students.The speakers threw light on various aspects like, the history of consumer rights, Consumer Protection Act, Basic rights of consumers, details about consumer redressal forum and talked about a few important cases filed in courts and their verdicts.The speakers pointed out the necessity of Consumer Club in Campuses and how to extend it as an outreach activity. The session was as an interactive one with active participation of the students. Adv. Surendran.P. A donated a book titled ‘The Consumer’ authored by him to the college library.
Salukripa, M, IIIsemB.Com Finance, anchored the Session.Ms.Mini. V. K, Assistant Professor of Commerce, gave the formal welcome note and Dr. Babu. P.K, Principal,delivered the presidential address. Mr. Rohith Ravi, Head of Department of Commerce delivered the vote of thanks. The programme came to an end at 1.30 pm.